Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Main > Statistics > Layout > Detail > Overview

Glossary Item Box

Detail Overview

To access the Detail window from any of the statistical layout windows, select Statistics > (any roulette layout group): Detail from the Main window

The detail page contains three additional pages that provide you with statistics.  

  • Repeat: Displays how many times a layout has appeared repeatedly in a row.

  • Interval: Displays how many times a layout has not appeared since its last appearance, known as sleepers.

  • Appearance: Contains two additional pages displaying how many times a different layout within the same group has appeared before and after the current layout.

If you are analyzing the 2nd Dozen on the Dozen / Column statistics view,  the Appearance page will display all dozens and columns that have appeared before and after the 2nd Dozen.

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