Statistics : Detail : Interval
To access the Interval window from any of the statistical layout windows, select Statistics > (any roulette layout group): Detail : Interval from the Main window.
The Interval window is available on all roulette layout statistics windows. This view displays the total count how many times a layout has not appeared since its last appearance.
Layout List
The layout list section, located on the left side of the page, contains a list of all layouts within a layout group. To select an individual layout from the list, move your mouse over the selected layout and click on the left mouse button. The interval information will appear in the interval section located under the Interval tab.
Displays the number of outcomes for the selected layout since the beginning of a session or based on a cycle of spins when the nSpins option is enabled.
Minimum Interval
Displays the minimum interval count of non appearances for the selected layout.
Maximum Interval
Displays the maximum interval count of non appearances for the selected layout.
Spins since last appeared
Displays the total count since the last time the selected layout has appeared. This can be used to determine if this layout if a good candidate for a sleeper.
Interval Section
The interval section contains a grid that displays interval information. The first column Count is the interval count from 1 to 1000+. The second column Spins is the total count of non appearances that occurred within the Count column.
How to read the Interval Section
To best way to understand the interval section is to go through an example using the image above.
Out of the 10,000 spins that have been processed, the selected list Red layout has appeared 4,841 times. Looking at the following column name:
2: Red has not appeared 2 times in a row for 1,208 occurrences. The pattern results would look something like: Red, Black, Red, Black, Red. This can be viewed as a alternating pattern.
4: Red has not appeared 4 times in a row for 331 occurrences. The pattern results would look something like: Red, Black, Black, Black, Red. The gap would be 3 misses between the Red layouts.
11: Red has not appeared 13 times in a row for 1 occurrences. The pattern results would look something like: Red, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Red. The gap would be 10 misses between the Red layouts.
Roulette Xtreme will display interval occurrences for up to 1000 times. Anything after 1000 will fall into the 1000+ section. Based on the analysis from the Red layout, we know that out of 10,000 total spins that was processed, Red has not appeared for a maximum of 16 times at least once. When using a progression betting system, one will need to be able to cover the long interval before reaching the table maximum.