Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Main > Statistics > Layout > Summary

Glossary Item Box

Statistics : Summary

To access the Summary window, select Statistics > (any roulette layout group): Summary from the Main window.

This window provides summary information that was calculated from other statistical windows. The window is comprised of a grid which displays all layouts within the selected layout group.  A description of each column is listed below:

Column Description

  • Layout: Displays the roulette layout that belongs to a layout group.

  • Spins: Displays the number of outcomes for the selected layout since the beginning of a session or based on a cycle of spins when the nSpins option is enabled.   

  • Mean: The average outcome for the this layout.  The standard formula for calculating the Mean is: (TS / WC) * TN = Mean. See Formula variable description section below.

  • Std. Deviation: The measure observed standard deviation for an individual layout which is referred as standard Z-score.  The standard formula for calculating the observed standard deviation is: (IS - Mean) / SD = observed standard deviation.  See Formula variable description section below.

  • Min. Repeat: Displays the minimum count of repeating appearances for this layout.

  • Max. Repeat: Displays the maximum count of repeating appearances for this layout

  • Spins  Last Appeared: Displays the total count since the last time this layout has appeared.  This can be used to determine if this layout if a good candidate for a sleeper.

  • Min. Interval: Displays the minimum count of non appearances for this layout.

  • Max. Interval: Displays the maximum count of non appearances for this layout.

Formula variable descriptions

To help understand the formula calculations for Mean and Standard Deviation for each individual layout, a description of each variable is listed below.

  • IS: Individual layout observation (spins) which is displayed in the Spins column.

  • Mean: The mean calculation from the Statistics Total section.

  • SD: The standard deviation calculated from the Statistics Total section.

  • TS: Total spins which is defined as the total number of observations that is displayed in the Total Spins section.

  • WC: Wheel count which is defined as the total count of numbers that are located on the wheel.  For a single-zero wheel, the total count is 37 which include numbers 1 through 36 and the number 0.  For a double-zero wheel, the total count is 38 with the same numbers for single-zero wheel plus the number 00.

  • TN: Total roulette numbers that makeup the current layout.  Each layout group, (dozens, even money, single number, splits and so on), is made up of a total count of numbers.  For the Dozen layout, the total count of roulette numbers is 12.  

Column Sort Options

  • Sort Statistical Data by Columns: When enabled, allows you to sort on any column.

  • Column Name: Allows you to sort the data on the selected column.   

  • Sort Ascending: If checked, the column data will sort in ascending order.

  • Sort Descending: If checked, the column data will sort in descending order.

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