Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Spin Count
Identifier Index > S > Spin Count

Glossary Item Box

Spin Count

Format:  initial-condition-statement  Spin Count  support-condition  dest-support-condition



The Spin Count is a supporting condition identifier that references the internal variable spin count.  Every time a number has appeared, the spin count variable is incremented by 1.  Also, the information is displayed in the Summary Statistics window under the Other column. This condition statement can be used to see the contents of the internal variable and perform some logic condition based on it results. 

When using the Spin Count identifier in a condition statement, the internal spin count variable uses the support-condition identifier to perform a comparison against another dest-support-condition identifier to produce a logical true or false result.  When the outcome of the condition is evaluated as true the program control is passed to the body of the condition block.


During the system process, we are checking to determine if our spin count exceed the contents in data record Max spins and if so, place a 5 unit bet on RED and set the spin count variable to 0.  The following example will perform this task.

RX Script Copy Code
if Spin Count > Record "Max spins" Data
     put 5 on Red
     Reset Spin Count

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