Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Record Data (Condition)
Identifier Index > R > Record Data (Condition)

Glossary Item Box

Record Data

Format:  initial-condition-statement  Record  "record-name"  Data  { support-condition  dest-support-condition }



The Record Data identifier reads the record-name and creates a data record if it does not already exist.  When referring to the Record Data, you always identify the data record by its record-name which is inserted between the Record and Data identifiers; i.e. Record "record-name" Data.  This instructs the designed system that you are referencing the data field of the record that contains numeric data.  

When using the data record in a condition statement, the data value of the Record Data is compared against another supporting condition identifier to produce a logical true or false result.  When the outcome of the condition is evaluated as true the program control is passed to the body of the condition block.

For more information, see Data Records.


We want to determine if our win goal have been met by 25 units and if so, display a message to the user and stop the session.  If the data value of record win goal has exceeded 25 units, the condition statement will be evaluated as true and the action statements will be executed.  The following example will perform this task.

Example Title Copy Code
While Record "win goal" data > 25 units
  Display "You have reached your win goal."
  Stop Session

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