Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Bankroll (Condition)
Identifier Index > B > Bankroll (Condition)

Glossary Item Box


Format:  initial-condition-statement  Bankroll  { support-condition  dest-support-condition }



The Bankroll identifier is a supporting condition identifier that references the internal variable bankroll which can be viewed on the main view.  When using the Bankroll identifier in a condition statement, the internal bankroll variable is compared against another supporting condition identifier to produce a logical true or false result.  When the outcome of the condition is evaluated as true the program control is passed to the body of the condition block.


Prior to starting a new session, we initialize our bankroll balance to 100 units.  During the system process, we check the bankroll to determine if we still have a positive balance.  Using the Bankroll identifier in a condition statement, we compare this identifier to 0 and if the bankroll balance is less than 0, display a message to the user indicating that you have depleted your bankroll and stop the session.  The following example will perform this task.

RX Script Copy Code
If the Bankroll < 0 then
  Display "We lost all of our Bankroll.
           The Session is Stop."
  Stop Session

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