Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Subtract 100%
Identifier Index > S > Subtract 100%

Glossary Item Box

Subtract 100%

Format:  Subtract  integer  source-support-action  dest-support-action



The Subtract 100% identifier reads the value from source-support-action, multiplies the value by the integer percent, then performs a subtraction to the existing value of dest-support-action.   


The mathematical formula for this action statement is: dest-support-action = dest-support-action - ((source-support-action * integer) / 100)


We have a 10 unit bet already placed on roulette layout Red.  Now we wish to decrease the bet by 50%.  The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
Subtract 50% of Red to Red

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