Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Identifier Index > W > Won

Glossary Item Box


Format:  initial-condition-statement  source-support-condition  Won integer



The Won identifier reads the source-support-condition layout value and determines the following:

  • a unit bet was placed on the layout during a spin occurrence


  • a number appeared that caused the layout to win the bet for integer times in a row.

The system keeps track of how many times a layout has won a bet in a row using an internal win variable.  The Won identifier is used to reference the win variable along with the integer to perform a logical comparison.  

When performing a won comparison along with the integer value for the source-support-condition identifier, if the condition outcome is evaluated as true and the program control will be passed to the body of the condition block.


We want to know if the black layout has won a bet exactly 2 times in a row and if so, place a 10 unit bet on the red layout.  The following example will perform this task.

RX Script Copy Code
If Black has Won exactly 2 times in a row
  Put 10 units on Red

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