Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Virtual Bets
Identifier Index > V > Virtual Bets

Glossary Item Box

Virtual Bets

Format:  initial-condition-statement  Virtual Bets  boolean-text


  • initial-condition-statement = any valid condition statement that use these identifiers listed below

  • boolean-text = either a constant True or False text word.

    • True: converts the text word to a boolean true indicator

    • False: converts the text word to a boolean false indicator


The action statement only works with RX Bot for online casinos.

The Virtual Bets identifier reads the boolean-text and instructs the designed system that you are referencing the state field of the Virtual Bets that it contains a boolean value of either true or false.

When using the Virtual Bets identifier in a condition statement, you are comparing the state value of the RX Bot virtual bet mode to one of the outcomes of the boolean-text.  If boolean-text matches the state value of the RX Bot virtual bet mode, the condition is evaluated as true the program control is passed to the body of the condition block.

The table below shows the RX Bot Virtual Bets mode when set by the Set Virtual Bets action statement.

RX Bot Virtual Bet mode


Virtual Bets is Active


Real Bets is Active



In our system, we have set RX Bot to Virtual Bet mode.  If the state value of the Virtual Bets is true, the condition statement will be evaluated as true and the action statements will be executed.  The following example will perform this task.

Rx Script Copy Code
if Virtual Bets is True
     if record "progression" data <25
          Set Virtual Bets to False
          Put 100% of record "progression" data to Black

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