Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Dealer Change
Identifier Index > D > Dealer Change

Glossary Item Box

Dealer Change

Format:  initial-condition-statement  Dealer Change boolean-text


  • initial-condition-statement = any valid condition statement that use these identifiers listed below

  • boolean-text = either a constant True or False text word.

    • True: converts the text word to a boolean true indicator

    • False: converts the text word to a boolean false indicator


The Dealer Change identifier instructs the designed system that you are referencing a dealer change has occurred either from an online LIVE casino using RX Bot, manually clicking on the Dealer Change button to simulate a dealer change or importing spins that were downloaded from WestSpiel live casinos.  


We want to determine if a dealer change occurred on BetFair LIVE casino.  If so, then we want to initialize our system. The following example will perform this task.

RX Script Copy Code
  if Dealer Change is True
        Call "Initialize System"
        Exit  //always add this EXIT command so RX does not process 
It is good practice to add the Exit action command after performing some function so RX will not process and data since a Dealer change is not a spin of the wheel.

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