Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Record (Action)
Identifier Index > R > Record (Action)

Glossary Item Box


Format:  initial-action-statement  Record  "record-name"  record-extension  { dest-support-action }



The Record identifier reads the record-name and creates a data record if it does not already exist.  The Record can then be used to store values from the data and layout fields.  The Record is used in conjunction the record-extension identifiers to access or store value information.

For more information, see Data Records.

Example 1

We want to create a bet progression sequence of: 1,2,4,6,8,16,32,64.  To do this, we will create a data record called progression and assigned the sequence of numeric values to the data field.  The following example will perform this task.

RX Script Copy Code
Set List [1,2,4,6,8,16,32,64] to Record "progression" data

Results from example 1

Example 2

We want to copy the roulette number that has appeared to the Record Layout of data record last number.  Later, we will reference this data record when placing bets.  The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
Copy Last Number that has appeared to the Record "last number" layout

Results from example 2

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