Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Identifier Index > P > Put

Glossary Item Box


Format:  Put  integer  dest-support-action



The Put identifier reads the integer and assigns the value to the dest-support-action.


The mathematical formula for this action statement is: dest-support-action = integer

Example 1

We want to place a 1 unit bet on each of the following numbers: 12, 13, 19, 21, 29 and 32.  The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
Put 1 unit on Number 12
Put 1 unit on Number 13
Put 1 unit on Number 19
Put 1 unit on Number 21
Put 1 unit on Number 29
Put 1 unit on Number 32

Results from example 1

Example 2

We have created a bet progression sequence of: 1,2,4,6,8,16,32,64.  We assigned the sequence list to a data record progression.  Every time we loss a bet on roulette layout black, we increase the record's data index by 1 in order to select the next progression.  If the last bet placed on black is 64 and we lose the bet again, we reached the maximum progression bet and we need to reset the progression bet to 1 unit.  The following example will perform this task.


RX Script Copy Code
if Black has lost each time
  Add 1 to record "progression" data index
  if the record "progression" data index > 8
    Put 1 on record "progression" data index


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