Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Load Data File
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Load Data File

Format:  Load Data File  "text-string"  integer (a number in seconds to wait before reading the file)  


  • text-string = a comma delimited TEXT data file in quotation marks " " containing a list of Table Layout and bets for each layout. 

  • integer = any numeric variable (the value is in seconds)


The Load Data File identifier will load an external TEXT file within the text-string message.  The TEXT file will contain a list of Table Layout and bets for each layout.  The data file must be in a COMMAN delimited format. 


Low, 5
Red, 5
36, 1

The integer number is a delay timer to wait until the file is deposit to the folder because RX reads the file.

This action command is useful to place bets on Table Layout from an external program that calcuates bets to be played.


We are going to load a list of table layouts and their bets.  Before reading the file, RX will wait for 3 seconds to allow the external file to desposit the file to a folder "C:\BotDir\". The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
Load Data File "C:\BotDir\bets.txt" for 3 seconds

Results from example

A TEXT file "bets.txt" located in folder "C:\BotDir\" which contains a comma delimited layout and their bets. 


Bets.txt file with comma delimited data.  The first column is the layout and the second column is the bet amount.

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