Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Identifier Index > E > Exit

Glossary Item Box


Format:  Exit


The Exit identifier will cause the program to stop processing any remaining system logic, return back to the main view and either wait for another spin to be processed or process the next spin that was imported or generated automatically.  The action statement can be placed anywhere in the program including any nested Loop Until operations.


When a new session is initiated, we are initializing some data records.  Once the initialization process is complete, the program will exit and wait until a spin is processed.  The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
While Starting a New Session
  Put 5 units on Record "bet" data
  Clear Record "track spins" layout
  Put 0 on record "spin count" data

  Exit  //leave the program now and wait for another spin


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