Roulette Xtreme 2.0 - System Designer
Identifier Index > D > Divide

Glossary Item Box


Format:  Divide  integer  dest-support-action



The Divide identifier reads the integer and performs a straight division to the existing value of dest-support-action.  If the dest-support-action is a roulette layout and the results is less than 0, then no bet will be place.  If the results contains a decimal number, the system will round up to the nearest whole number.  If the integer value is 0, the division operation will not be performed.


The mathematical formula for this action statement is: dest-support-action = dest-support-action / integer


We have a 50 unit bet already placed on roulette layout Red.  We wish to reduce this amount by 50% using the Divide action statement. The following example will perform this task.  

RX Script Copy Code
Divide 2 to Red

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